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Banded Shovelnose Catfish

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Banded Shovelnose Catfish

Brachyplatystoma juruense

681 Litres (180 US G.)

63.5-76.2cm (25-30 ")




6.5 - 7.6

23.3-27.8°C (74 -82 °F)

8-12 °d

1:1 M:F

Pellet Foods
Flake Foods
Live Foods

8-10 years



Additional names

Banded Shovelnose Catfish, Gold Zebra Pim, Zebra Catfish, Juruense Cat

Additional scientific names

Ginesia cunaguaro, Platystoma juruense, Zungaro alianza


South America: Amazon and Orinoco River basin.


It is not possible to visually sex these fish.

Tank compatibility

This is a large nocturnal predator. Is best in a species tank or in a very large tank with fish too large to be eaten or viewed as prey.


Seems to prefer live meaty foods such rosy reds or other feeder fish. Will accept pellets but may take time to convert. Loves live foods but is hard to get onto dried pellets or frozen foods. Will eat any fish that fits in its mouth so be cautious.

Feeding regime

Feed on a daily or every other day basis. Is most likely to feed with the tank lights off.

Environment Specifics

Prefers a strong current and is often found in somewhat murky water so doesn't rely on vision. Between 23.9-26.7°C (75-80°F) is a recommended temperature for this catfish.


Will sit on the bottom during the day in a tripod stance sitting on its fins. Becomes active during the night since it is a nocturnal feeder.


Usually has a dark body with light bands down the side in a vertical position. Some specimens may have little to no bars visible at all.


External links