Ocellated Synodontis (Synodontis ocellifer)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Ocellated Synodontis
Synodontis ocellifer
208 Litres (55 US G.)
15.2-20.3cm (6-8 ")
6.5 - 7.8
23 -27 °C (73.4-80.6°F)
6-10 °d
1:1 M:F
5-10 years
Additional names
- Spotted Catfish, Ocellated Synodontis, Ocellifer Catfish
- As of now, the Ocellifer Catfish is not being successfully bred in the aquarium setting. Most of them are bred by hormone injection in Eastern Europe.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- Juvenile fish are suited to a community tank, but adult fish grow fairly large, and may eat smaller fish. Ideal tank mates include: Cichlids of similar size, Gouramis, Larger Barbs, Larger Tetras, Rainbowfish, Larger Danios, Loaches, Plecos, and other scavenger catfish.
- The Ocellifer Catfish are omnivores and should be offered sinking catfish pellets, live/frozen food like bloodworms and tubifex, and a good quality flake food.
Feeding regime[edit]
- Feed once or twice a day.
Environment specifics[edit]
- Likes to be in places where it can hind like rocks, driftwood, plants etc.
- The Ocellifer Catfish is a very peaceful tank member and appreciates having several hiding places. A far warning though, Ocellifer Catfish like to have its own space and if other fish step out of line, it might fight back.
- This fish has a pale yellowish-brown body with black spots. Some specimens have lighter background colouration or minimal spotting. The characteristic to look for when comparing with other similar spotted species is the adipose fin. In S. ocellifer is is very long running almost from caudal to dorsal fin.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: