Carpinte Cichlid (Herichthys carpintis)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Carpinte Cichlid
Herichthys carpintis
246 Litres (65 US G.)
25.4-35.6cm (10-14 ")
7.0 - 8.0
23 -33 °C (73.4-91.4°F)
9-20 °d
1:1 M:F
5-8 years
Additional names
- Carpinte Cichlid, Lowland Cichlid, Green Texas Cichlid, Pearlscale Cichlid
Additional scientific names
- Cichlasoma carpinte, Cichlasoma carpintis, Cichlasoma laurae, Cichlosoma laurae, Heros teporatus, Neetroplus carpintis
- A North/Central American Cichlid found in the Atlantic slope, Panuco River drainage, and Soto La Marina River in Mexico.
- Males grow large (with sturdy structure)and grow a nuchal hump at maturity. Females are smaller and have a dark blotch on the dorsal fin.
Tank compatibility
- A large growing and territorial Cichlid which will view smaller fish as food. Can be kept with other American Cichlids or larger robust American Catfish provided enough room for territories is provided.
- Eats a variety of foods including flake, pellets, and live foods such as brine shrimp and shrimp.
Feeding regime
- Feed once or twice a day.
Environment specifics
- Requires a large and well filtered mature tank with sturdy décor such as rocks. They do dig so are not planted tank safe. Requires a similar set up to the well known Oscar.
- An aggressive and territorial Cichlid.
- The Carpintis are attractive looking fish with their greyish/blue body and their splotches of light blues/greens/silvers across the flanks and head.
°F== External links ==
- Fishbase (Mirrors: )