Yellowtail Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Zebrasoma xanthurum
379 Litres (100 US G.)
20.3-25.4cm (8-10 ")
8.1 - 8.4
22.2-25.6°C (72 -78 °F)
8-12 °d
1:1 M:F
8-12 years
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Additional names
- Yellowtail Tang, Yellowtail Sailfin Tang, Blue Surgeonfish, Yellowtail Surgeonfish, Purple Tang
Additional scientific names
- Acanthurus xanthurus
- Western Indian Ocean: Red Sea to the Persian Gulf.
Tank compatibility
- Purple Tangs can be very aggressive to other Tangs, particularly to towards other Zebrosoma species.
- A herbivorous fish, will take dried seaweed, marine algae, mysid shrimp, Spirulina, blanched Romaine Lettuce or fresh seaweed.
Feeding regime
- Ideally they should be fed everyday with 3-4 supplemental feedings of dried algae.
Environment specifics
- They are sensitive to water quality, needs an SG of 1.020 - 1.025. As with all Tangs, they need relatively large tanks, over 284 Litres (75 US G.).
- It does get territorial and can be aggressive to new additions to the tank as it gets older. Should not be kept with similarly shaped Tangs.
- They have a deep purple-blue body with a bright yellow tail and bright yellow accents on the pectoral fins. They have a single spine (or “scalpel”) on each side used for defence.
External links
- Fishbase (Mirrors: )