Black Brush Algae

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Template:Algae data

Alternative Names and Variants[edit]

Black Beard algae, Black brush algae, BBA, Plant hair

Places of growth[edit]

Usually grows on plants that have low light requirements but are receiving high light.


Long brown hair-like strands, this is the only type of algae that has this look and is rather easily identified.


Correct ratio of nutrients, CO2 and lighting. Increasing lighting gradually rather than a sudden light fixture change. Preventing its introduction by quarantining all new plants.


Can be treated by increasing water ph, also by correcting nutrient and light imbalances.
Siamese Algae Eater, and some Skiffia species will eat it.


Some fish will eat Black Brush algae, but usually only if they lack other food sources. Due to its look is usually considered highly undesirable.


External links[edit]