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Butterflyfish are saltwater fish belonging to the family Chaetodontidae. There are approximately 127 species in 11 genera, mostly found on the reefs of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Many species in this family feed primarily or exclusively on live corals, making it very difficult to maintain them in an aquarium. The species with less specialized feeding behaviour are generally easier to maintain.
Butterflyfish are pelagic spawners; that is, they release many buoyant eggs into the water which become part of the plankton, floating with the currents until hatching. The fry go through what is known as a tholichthys stage, wherein the body of the post-larval fish is covered in large bony plates extending from the head. They lose their bony plates as they mature. Only one other family of fish, the Scats (Scatophagidae) express such an armoured stage.
- Latin names are listed below, for common names click here.
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Pages in category "Butterflyfish"
The following 36 pages are in this category, out of 36 total.
- Chaetodon auriga
- Chaetodon capistratus
- Chaetodon collare
- Chaetodon ephippium
- Chaetodon falcula
- Chaetodon kleinii
- Chaetodon lineolatus
- Chaetodon lunula
- Chaetodon melannotus
- Chaetodon mertensii
- Chaetodon mitratus
- Chaetodon paucifasciatus
- Chaetodon pelewensis
- Chaetodon punctatofasciatus
- Chaetodon rafflesii
- Chaetodon semilarvatus
- Chaetodon striatus
- Chaetodon tinkeri
- Chaetodon trichrous
- Chaetodon ulietensis
- Chaetodon unimaculatus
- Chaetodon vagabundus
- Chaetodon xanthurus
- Chelmon mulleri
- Chelmon rostratus
- Chelmonops truncatus
Media in category "Butterflyfish"
This category contains only the following file.
- Chaetodon mitratus.jpg 53 KB