Talking Catfish (Amblydoras hancocki)
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Talking Catfish
Amblydoras hancocki
132 Litres (35 US G.)
12.7-15.2cm (5-6 ")
5.8 - 7.6
22.8-27.8°C (73 -82 °F)
5-19 °d
1:1 M:F
8-12 years
Additional names
- Talking Catfish, Blue-Eye Catfish, Marbled Raphael Catfish, Marbled Talking Catfish
Additional scientific names
- Amblydoras hancockii, Doras hancockii, Platydoras hancockii
- Found in freshwater coastal swamps and flood prone areas of rivers in South America, primarily Guyana and eastern Brazil to Peru and Bolivia.
- Males are more slender than females. The females underside is creamy white whereas the males is speckled.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- An excellent community fish that should not bother other tank residents. Do not keep with aggressive fish.
- This fish has a ferocious appetite and will gorge themselves at feeding time to the point they are fit to burst. Take care not to overfeed this fish, they will scavenge.
Feeding regime[edit]
- Feed once or twice a day.
Environment specifics[edit]
- Will not harm plants, and requires a place to hide. Will wedge themselves into small gaps so take care with exposed heaters or filter arrangements.
- A peaceful scavenger most active at night. Younger fish will be more active during the day.
- Marbled brown in colour, this catfish has three sets of long barbels and a wide head.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: