Whiteseam Fighter (Betta albimarginata)
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Whiteseam Fighter
Betta albimarginata
57 Litres (15 US G.)
3-4 cm (1.2-1.6")
5.5 - 7
21 -28 °C (69.8-82.4°F)
4-10 °d
2-3:1 M:F
5-8 years
This animal is available captive bred
Additional names
- Whiteseam Fighter, Strawberry Betta
- Originates from the Sebuku River drainage in Borneo, where it inhabits acidic, leaf-littered stretches of stream that are usually no deeper than 4 inches.
- Males - depending on their mood - are much more colorful than the females. The males will vary from a mottled brown to a bright orange color when breeding, while females are simply the mottled brown color
Tank compatibility[edit]
- A generally peaceful Betta, but males may be somewhat territorial towards one another. The fact that they are paternal mouthbrooders means that they should be kept in groups of more males than females, since females seem to want to mate constantly and may accidentally starve a lone male to death due to his having to constantly hold their eggs.
- Carnivores that may or may not accept pellets but who will readilly consume live or frozen foods. Flake is often not accepted
Feeding regime[edit]
- Not particularly unusual, but note that bettas in general are prone to obesity and should have one day a week where they are not fed.
Environment specifics[edit]
- These fish come from areas in the wild with few plants, very shallow water, many tree roots, and leaf litter. They are quite happy to have numerous plants in the aquarium, but the other aspects of the environment should be strictly adhered to. They prefer an acidic tank, but are much more flexible than most wild bettas and have been known to spawn in a PH as high as 8! They will most likely appreciate any attempts to reduce the PH as long as it is not too sudden.
- A relatively peaceful Betta. In the wild they hide amongst leaf litter in streams with moderate current. They are paternal mouthbrooders who hold their eggs for around 10-21 days before releasing fairly large fry. The fry can take microworms and baby brine shrimp at birth.
- An elongate fish with large eyes and broad mouth. Females are a mottled brown color, and males vary from mottled brown to brilliant orange depending on their mood. The fins are edged in white with black. B albimarginata may be mistaken for the closely related B. channoides. The two can be most easily distinguished by examining the dorsal fin - albimarginata has a black and white rim on its dorsal fin, while channoides has only a white rim: channoides is also more of a brick red than albimarginata.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: