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Oil Catfish

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Oil Catfish

Centromochlus perugiae

45 Litres (12 US G.)

5.1-6.4cm (2-2.5 ")




6.5 - 7.2

23.9-27.8°C (75 -82 °F)

6-10 °d

1:2 M:F

Pellet Foods
Flake Foods
Live Foods

5-8 years



Additional names

Oil Catfish, Oil Woodcatfish, Perugia's Woodcat

Additional scientific names

Tatia perugiae


South America: Upper Amazon River basin. Inhabits large rivers where the water is swift, preferring littoral zones adjacent to the shoreline over hard, sandy bottoms devoid of vegetation.


They are identifiable between the two sexes by the anal fin. The females is smooth and rounded, whereas the males is modified with the first and second ray thickened and longer.

Tank compatibility

A peaceful little catfish, quite shy so do not keep with aggressive fish. Quite sociable and appreciates company of its own kind. Will be a threat to very small fish or fry under 1" long.


In the wild feeds on insects, mostly ants, beetles, and mayflies. Needs a carnivorous diet in captivity, appreciates blood worm, daphnia and catfish tablets.

Feeding regime

Once or twice a day before or after lights out.

Environment Specifics

Requires plenty of hiding places to hide during the day.


A nocturnal catfish, will only appear during the day, or when the lights are on, if bribed with food and comfortable with their surroundings. Quite shy, do not keep with aggressive fish.


They have a rounded head with a large mouth and the eyes set well forward and clear fins. The base colour is creamy white overlaid with a black irregular reticulated pattern.


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