Triradiatus Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus triradiatus)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Triradiatus Bristlenose Pleco
Ancistrus triradiatus
57 Litres (15 US G.)
10.2-12.7cm (4-5 ")
6.6 - 7.6
24 -28 °C (75.2-82.4°F)
5-19 °d
1:1 M:F
5-8 years
Additional names
- Bristlenose Pleco, LDA72
- Mature females are broader in the abdomen than males. Males will have an abundance of soft "bristles" on the nose, females will have little or no "bristles".
Tank compatibility[edit]
- A generally peaceful Pleco with other tank mates. Do not keep with too many other bottom-dwellers or Plecos if not enough hiding places are provided to avoid any aggression.
- Will accept most vegetarian foods and will graze on algae, supplement with blanched vegetables and algae wafers. Meaty foods can be fed once a week to adults during spawning and fry do well being fed bbs.
Feeding regime[edit]
- Feed once a day.
Environment specifics[edit]
- Prefers a spacious and well filtered tank with hiding places, bogwood and caves provided.
- A generally peaceful Pleco that will spend most of it's time grazing or hiding.
- This Pleco has long branched bushy "bristles" when mature, mostly so on the males, which is unique in the Ancistrus family. The colouration on this fish is mottled creamy yellow and brown. The caudal and paired fins sport a pattern of darker markings that often merge to form wavy lines.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: