Ibanorum Betta (Betta ibanorum)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Ibanorum Betta
Betta ibanorum
95 Litres (25 US G.)
12-14 cm (4.7-5.5")
5.8 - 6.2
26 -28 °C (78.8-82.4°F)
0-5 °d
1:1 M:F
3-5 years
- Asia: southern Sarawak, Malaysia.
- Males have longer fins, more iridescence and a broader head.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- Due to this fishes specific requirements, its best kept in a species tank. Can be kept in a group of 5 or more as long as the tank is spacious enough, more females than males.
- Prefers live/frozen food such as artemia, glass worm, bloodworm, mosquito larvae, krill, mysis shrimp, daphnia, insects, earthworms and dry foods such as betta pellets.
Feeding regime[edit]
- Feed once or twice a day, this fish, as with most Betta species, is prone to constipation and over-eating so its diet must be carefully regulated.
Environment specifics[edit]
- Requires a spacious tank with plenty of hiding places. Does not appreciate a strong current. Substrate preferred should be as close to their natural habitat as possible with gravel and leaf litter, together with bogwood and stone décor.
- Not as aggressive as its better known fancy Betta splendens cousin. During spawning they are more likely to get aggressive however.
- This fish has fairly muted colours but similar body shape to the wild type Betta splendens. The body is soft brown ground colour with ice bluish iridescent scales. The operculum has some black markings and a black stripe starts in front of the eye, runs through it and ends at the lips. The tail is spade shaped and the anal fin is elongated, more noticeable in males than females.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: