Dwarf Rasbora (Boraras maculatus)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Dwarf Rasbora
Boraras maculatus
38 Litres (10 US G.)
1.3-2.5cm (0.5-1 ")
5.0 - 6.5
24 -26 °C (75.2-78.8°F)
5-12 °d
2:3 M:F
2-5 years
Additional names
- Dwarf Rasbora, Pygmy Rasbora, Spotted Rasbora
Additional scientific names
- Rasbora maculata
- Males are more brightly coloured than females. In addition, females typically have an extra dark spot above the anal fin on each side of the body.
- These Rasbora rank among the easiest species to spawn, with only a small tank being required for this purpose. These are likely to be laid among vegetation. A suitable grid, to protect the spawn after egg laying occurs is advisable.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- A sociable little fish appreciating company of it's own. As it's so small, other tank mates would have to be considered carefully. Would do best in a densely planted species tank.
- Will take most foods as long as they're small such as small pellets, crumbled flake, daphnia or brine shrimp.
Feeding regime[edit]
- Once or twice a day.
Environment specifics[edit]
- Needs soft water to thrive.
- Loosely shoaling active fish.
- This little fish is vivid red in colour. It is sometimes known as the Spotted Rasbora because of the presence of three or more dark spots on its body behind the gill cover and adjoining both the anal and caudal fins.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: )