Least Rasbora (Boraras urophthalmoides)

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Least Rasbora

Boraras urophthalmoides-6781.jpg
Least Rasbora

Boraras urophthalmoides

38 Litres (10 US G.)

1.3-2.5cm (0.5-1 ")




6.5 - 7.5

22.8-25.6°C (73 -78 °F)

8-12 °d

1:2 M:F

Pellet Foods
Flake Foods
Live Foods

4-8 years



Additional names

Least Rasbora, Exclamation Point Rasbora, Sparrow Rasbora

Additional scientific names

Rasbora urophthalmoides


Widely throughout Thailand and reported from Cambodia and Vietnam. Swamps and marshes with abundant aquatic vegetation.


Males are slimmer, and turn red when in breeding condition. Females are bulkier, and have more of a golden colouration.

Tank compatibility[edit]

This is a shy and peaceful shoaling fish. Keep in groups of 6 or more with similar-sized equally peaceful fish, no very active or boisterous species.


Should accept most foods including live/frozen and pellet/flake foods as long as the food is small enough to be consumed.

Feeding regime[edit]

Should be fed twice a day.

Environment specifics[edit]

They are timid fish, and should be provided with adequate vegetation and other hiding places to retreat to when they feel threatened. This fish is not picky about water conditions.


This fish is generally shy in a community setting, so it is best they are kept in a species-only set-up with water parameters tailored to their requirements. In a single species tank with dense plants, these normally shy fish will be more inclined to actively swim in the open areas of the tank, chasing and nipping playfully at one another. This fish stays mostly in the mid to lower mid range of the tank.


The Least Rasbora has also been nicknamed the Exclamation Point Rasbora because of its colour pattern. The fish is normally golden yellow with a dark green or brown line running down both sides of the body, ending just behind the dorsal fin. There is a similarly coloured spot on the caudal peduncle. The darker patterns resemble a horizontal exclamation mark.


External links[edit]