Green spotted puffer (Dichotomyctere nigroviridis)

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Green spotted puffer

Green Spotted Puffer 1-4958.jpg
Green spotted puffer

Dichotomyctere nigroviridis

114 Litres (30 US G.)

12.7-15.2cm (5-6 ")


7.8 - 8.4

24.4-27.8°C (76 -82 °F)

8-12 °d

1:2 M:F

Live Foods
Other (See article)

3-10 years



Additional names

Leopard Puffer, Green Pufferfish, Green Spotted Puffer, Burmese Pufferfish, Spotted Green Pufferfish, Spotted Puffer

Additional scientific names

Tetraodon nigroviridis


Found in south east Asia, from Sri Lanka to Indonesia and north to China.


Unknown, but captive fertile spawns have been reported, without fry survival to date. Very small food are likely required, such as cultured rotifers.

Tank compatibility[edit]

Green Spotted Puffers increase in aggression with age and should be kept in a species only tank (preferably with no other tank mates, puffer or otherwise). They are notorious fin nippers.


A good diet for brackish puffers will include bloodworm, krill and most importantly snails. Common Pond Snails and Ramshorn Snails are best suited and many puffer keepers will breed these to have a supply on hand. Mussels and market shrimp with shell on also work well, but ensure these are thoroughly cleaned prior to introduction. Puffers need hard-shelled food because their natural diet centres on crustaceans. This food is also essential for wearing down the constantly growing 'beak' like teeth of the puffer fish, preventing the need for dental intervention.

Feeding regime[edit]

The smaller the puffer in size the more regular feedings are required. As a general rule of thumb, feed once daily when <2-3", and every other day when >3-4". Puffers do not eat constantly in the wild and it is perfectly fine to skip a meal now and then.

Environment specifics[edit]

These fish are commonly sold at pet stores as a freshwater fish, but actually need brackish water as they mature. It is disputed over whether this is full marine, or high brackish as an adult, but it is recommended that as an adult the puffer be kept in water with a specific gravity (S.G.) of 1.015. Full marine conditions are frequently suggested and used by experienced hobbyists, as upkeep and maintenance is easier under such conditions. This is because supplemental techniques such as 24/7 lighted macroalgae refugia, protein skimmers, live rock refugia, deep sand beds or plenums, etc. may be used, where these are not suited to mid range brackish water systems. No negative change in behaviour or lifespan have be noted from such full marine conditions, but the fish kept at full-marine to near-marine specific gravity are reported to hold their colour better than those kept in light to mid-brackish conditions. Marine salt, not aquarium salt, should be used in any brackish/saltwater environment because it contains minerals beneficial to the fish and will buffer the pH of the water to the correct level.


Very active fish, will eat smaller fish and invertebrates. This fish becomes more aggressive as it matures.


Pale yellow-brown base colour with a pale underside, typical rounded Puffer Fish shape, the upper half of the body has many brown spots which are outlined in green-yellow.



External links[edit]