Rostratus (Fossorochromis rostratus)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Fossorochromis rostratus
473 Litres (125 US G.)
20-25 cm (7.9-9.8")
7.2 - 8.8
24 -26 °C (75.2-78.8°F)
10-18 °d
1:2 M:F
5-8 years
Additional names
- Rostratus
Additional scientific names
- Tilapia rostrata, Cyrtocara rostrata, Haplochromis rostratus, Haplochromis macrorhynchus
- Endemic to Lake Malawi.
- Males and females have entirely different colouration, the male is larger with iridescent silver-blue colouration, whereas the female is pale cream-yellow with black markings in a checkerboard pattern down the flanks.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- A relatively peaceful African Cichlid, but can get feisty during spawning. Keep with other similar-sized semi-aggressive African Cichlids. Appreciates company of its own kind and several males can be kept together if the tank is large enough.
- Will accept most foods including pellets and flake as well as live/frozen food such as shrimp, bloodworms, artemia and blanched vegetables.
Feeding regime[edit]
- Feed once or twice a day.
Environment specifics[edit]
- Needs a soft sandy substrate and no sharp objects. Appreciate good filtration and a large amount of open swimming space with large hiding places.
- This is quiet a shy Cichlid and can be easily startled, will dive into the substrate if spooked.
- Both males and females are elongate with large mouths. The males are iridescent blue with black and green markings. The females are smaller and pale yellow-brown with checkerboard black markings down the lateral line.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: