Purple Spaghetti Eel (Moringua raitaborua)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Purple Spaghetti Eel
Moringua raitaborua
284 Litres (75 US G.)
30-44cm (11.81-17.32 ")
7 - 8
24 -29 °C (75.2-84.2°F)
15-25 °d
1:1 M:F
5-12 years
Additional names
- Spaghetti Eel, Purple Spaghetti Eel, Pink Paddle-Tail Eel, Paddle-Tailed Eel
- Not possible to visually sex this fish.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- Will not cause hassle with other fish - even fry are relatively safe from this fish. However, take care not to mix with aggressive species.
- Can live with its own species without problems.
- At first, they may only accept live and frozen foods, particularly worm and fish based foods. As time goes on they may accept freeze dry foods and high-quality pellets.
Feeding regime[edit]
- If being kept in a species tank, feed whenever you notice these fish are out from under the gravel. If being kept with other species, feed only once the lights are out to ensure that they get some food.
Environment specifics[edit]
- Moringua are a naturally brackish species, and as mature fish will require water with an SG of 1.005 to 1.010.
- The substrate should be a sand type substrate into which this fish can burrow, where it will remain for most of the day. Other décor is unimportant.
- They can remain burrowed for most of the day until they are hungry or food presents itself.
- Unmistakeable. While they are very Moray-eel-like in appearance, their pinkish bodies and extremely elongate bodies (with very small heads) sets them apart from that group.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: