Silver Barbel Catfish (Pareutropius longifilis)

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Silver Barbel Catfish

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Silver Barbel Catfish

Pareutropius longifilis

95 Litres (25 US G.)

7.6-9.1cm (3-3.6 ")




6.4 - 7.4

23 -26 °C (73.4-78.8°F)

4-12 °d

1:1 M:F

Pellet Foods
Flake Foods
Live Foods

5-8 years



Additional names

Silver Barbel Catfish

Additional scientific names

Pareutropius micristius, Eutropius longifilis, Eutropiellus longifilis


Africa: eastward flowing rivers north of the Ruvuma, Lake Chiuta, Ruvuma system, Lake Chilwa.


Mature females will have thicker bodies than males, is not easy to spot however unless they are in a group together for comparison.

Tank compatibility[edit]

A shy peaceful catfish that should be kept in shoals of at least 5-6 individuals. Will do well with other peaceful active fish including Loaches and African Tetras.


Should not be a fussy eater accepting most catfish pellets and flake as well as live/frozen foods such as bloodworm and brine shrimp.

Feeding regime[edit]

Feed once or twice a day.

Environment specifics[edit]

Provide this fish with a spacious tank with dense planting and hiding places in bogwood and rock around the edges with some open swimming space towards the centre of the tank. A long tank is best for this fish and they do not appreciate very bright lighting so floating plants are desirable.


An active little fish that can be quite shy, it finds confidence when in groups of its own kind.


A long and slender fish with a dark lateral line and with a forked caudal fin which can be mistaken for Pareutropius buffei.


External links[edit]