Whiptailed Banjo Catfish (Platystacus cotylephorus)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Whiptailed Banjo Catfish
Platystacus cotylephorus
170 Litres (45 US G.)
30.5-33cm (12-13 ")
6.0 - 8.2
21.7-25°C (71 -77 °F)
10-20 °d
1:2 M:F
8-12 years
Additional names
- Whiptailed Banjo Catfish, Banded Banjo Catfish, Mottled Eel-Tailed Banjo Catfish
Additional scientific names
- Aspredo cotylephorus, Cotylephorus blochii, Silurus hexadactylus
- Male and female colouration differs, the females are mostly brown with little mottling, whereas the males are darker with distinctive mottling. Mature males have larger pectoral fins than equally aged females.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- A relatively peaceful fish, keep with medium sized or larger fish, smaller fish run the risk of being eaten. Do not keep with anything nippy.
- Will eat most foods, a scavenger.
Feeding regime[edit]
- A nocturnal feeder, feed after lights out. May be tempted out with frozen or live foods during the day.
Environment specifics[edit]
- Prefers a sandy or small gravel substrate as this fish will spend most of the day buried. Décor should be secure so that the burrowing fish cannot get crushed or hurt. Prefers neutral PH and medium to hard water.
- Peaceful and fairly inactive during the day, preferring to stay hidden.
- An exceptionally elongated fish, with a wide body and very long tail, giving this fish its common name. Colouration varies from fish to fish, but is generally a deep mottled brown with a pale underside.
Species Note[edit]
- This fish is capable of making bark-like sounds by moving their pectoral fins quickly together. These sounds are mainly made during mating or when threatened.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: