Leopold's Angelfish (Pterophyllum leopoldi)

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Leopold's Angelfish

Pterophyllum leopoldi.jpg
Leopold's Angelfish

Pterophyllum leopoldi

132 Litres (35 US G.)

5.1-7.9cm (2-3.1 ")




5.0 - 6.2

25 -28 °C (77-82.4°F)

1-5 °d

1:1 M:F

Pellet Foods
Flake Foods
Live Foods

5-10 years



This animal is available captive bred

Additional names

Leopold's Angelfish

Additional scientific names

Pterophyllum dumerilli


Generally difficult as with all angels. When kept in a group two will pair off and when ready to spawn will defend their territory vigorously. When ready to spawn The female ovipositor will be rounder than the males. The male organ will come to a point as opposed to the female organ. Generally the male is larger than the female.

Tank compatibility[edit]

Is compatible with most fish but becomes very aggressive when breeding. Due to their small mouths even tetras (But not very small ones) are safe.


Natural diet is fruits,ants, termites, and food particles collected from the detritus at the bottom of the stream or river. In captivity should be fed a well rounded diet consisting of good quality flake, frozen bloodworm and mosquito larvae. Is omnivorous and will generally eat anything offered. Caution must be given not to overfeed, as this fish will overeat causing excess fat and a shorter life.

Feeding regime[edit]

Feed twice a day, as much food as can be eaten in approximately 1 minute or less. A fast day once a week is good practice.

Environment specifics[edit]

Temp 25-28°C (77-82.4°F) , raise to 32°C (89.6°F) to stimulate spawning. pH up to 7.5 but lower to 6.0 or less to stimulate spawning. Acidic clear water, tannin stained is natural.


Generally a peaceable fish except when spawning and protecting young. Will argue amongst own kind to develop a pecking order and territory.


It differs from other angelfish by the noticeable absence of a pre-dorsal notch. There is a black blotch on the body approximately in the middle of the base of the dorsal fin (diagnostic). Fins are normally shorter than body length.


External links[edit]