Chocolate Gourami (Sphaerichthys osphromenoides)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Chocolate Gourami
Sphaerichthys osphromenoides
38 Litres (10 US G.)
5-6 cm (2-2.4")
4.0 - 6.5
25.6-29.4°C (78 -85 °F)
0-6 °d
1:2 M:F
3-5 years
Additional names
- Chocolate Gourami
Additional scientific names
- Osphromenus malayanus, Osphromenus notatus
- Asia: Indonesia (Sumatra and Borneo) and Malaya.
- Males can be distinguished from females by the white regions in the caudal fin, and the larger fins in adult fish. Males have a straight throatline, which is rounded in females. They are difficult to breed in captivity.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- A sensitive and delicate fish that is best kept either in a species tank in a group, or with other soft water peaceful fish and can work with Discus. These fish do well in groups of around 5 individuals.
- Prefers live or frozen food such as bloodworm and brine shrimp. May also take flake and pellet food.
Feeding regime[edit]
- Feed once or twice a day.
Environment specifics[edit]
- This fish is exceptionally sensitive to water quality, and may need several water changes a week to maintain healthy fish. These Gouramis can be used as water quality indicators for other sensitive fish like Discus. They appreciate the same water conditions as Discus with soft water and a low pH with a high temperature.
- A shy peaceful fish, although males can be territorial towards one another.
- A fairly typical small Gourami shape, fairly oval body with a pointed snout. The body is a deep chocolate brown with several slender creamy-white vertical bands, usually 3 full ones on the flanks, one behind the eye, one down the mid-section of the body and one towards the caudal fin, there may be more white markings on the flanks. Not to be mistaken with Sphaerichthys selatanensis which has a pale lateral line.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: