All pages
- Banded Butterflyfish
- Banded Cat Shark
- Banded Chromide
- Banded Cichlid
- Banded Climbing Perch
- Banded Coral Shrimp
- Banded Cory
- Banded Corydoras
- Banded Ctenopoma
- Banded Darter
- Banded Dwarf Cichlid
- Banded Goby
- Banded Gourami
- Banded Headstander
- Banded Killifish
- Banded Leporinus
- Banded Loach
- Banded Merry Widow
- Banded Mountain Loach
- Banded Panchax
- Banded Pearlfish
- Banded Pimelodid
- Banded Pipefish
- Banded Possum Wrasse
- Banded Prawn
- Banded Prawn Goby
- Banded Puffer
- Banded Pyrrhulina
- Banded Rainbowfish
- Banded Scat
- Banded Shovelnose Catfish
- Banded Tiger Loach
- Banded Tilapia
- Banded merry widow
- Bandeira Catfish
- Bandit Angelfish
- Bandit Cichlid
- Bandit Cory
- Bangai Cardinal
- Bangai Cardinalfish
- Bangaii Cardinal
- Banggai Cardinalfish
- Banjo Catfish
- Bannerfish
- Bannertail Catfish
- Bar-Cheeked Wrasse
- Barb
- Barbatula barbatula
- Barbatus Corydoras
- Barbatus Corydorus
- Barbel
- Barbels
- Barber-Pole Shrimp
- Barberfish
- Barbichthys laevis
- Barbodes binotatus
- Barbodes kuchingensis
- Barbodes schwanefeldii
- Barboides gracilis
- Barbonymus altus
- Barbonymus schwanenfeldii
- Barbotte Brune
- Barbs
- Barbus Denisonii
- Barbus Nigrofasciatus
- Barbus Schwanefeldi
- Barbus Semifasciolatus
- Barbus Tetrazona
- Barbus Titteya
- Barbus ablabes
- Barbus arulius
- Barbus barbus
- Barbus barilioides
- Barbus bimaculatus
- Barbus binotatus
- Barbus candens
- Barbus conchonius
- Barbus daruphani
- Barbus denisonii
- Barbus eutaenia
- Barbus everetti
- Barbus fasciatus
- Barbus fasciolatus
- Barbus filamentosus
- Barbus guirali
- Barbus holotaenia
- Barbus hulstaerti
- Barbus jae
- Barbus janssensi
- Barbus lateristriga
- Barbus leonensis
- Barbus lineomaculatus
- Barbus nigrofasciatus
- Barbus pentazona
- Barbus pentazona schwanefeldi
- Barbus semifasciolatus
- Barbus sublineatus
- Barbus tetrazona
- Barbus ticto
- Barbus titteya
- Barclaya longfoilia
- Barclaya longifolia
- Barhead Spinefoot
- Barhead spinefoot
- Bariene Surgeonfish
- Barilius barna
- Barilius gatensis
- Bark Catfish
- Barnacle Blenny
- Barnard's Rock Catfish
- Barnstar
- Barra
- Barracouta
- Barracuda
- Barramunda
- Barramundi
- Barramundi Cod
- Barramundi Perch
- Barramundi Rock-Cod
- Barred Bichir
- Barred Cichlid
- Barred Danio
- Barred Leiocassis
- Barred Loach
- Barred Moray Eel
- Barred Mudskipper
- Barred Pencilfish
- Barred Soapfish
- Barred Sorubim
- Barred Tigerfish
- Barred Topminnow
- Barred rabbitfish
- Barred spinefoot
- Barrigona Tetra
- Bartholomea annulata
- Bartlett's Anthias
- Bartlett's Fairy Bass
- Baryancistrus chrysolomus
- Baryancistrus demantoides
- Baryancistrus sp "L018"
- Baryancistrus sp "L047"
- Baryancistrus sp "L081"
- Baryancistrus sp "L142"
- Baryancistrus sp "L177"
- Baryancistrus xanthellus
- Basingstoke and District Aquarist Society
- Basket Hap
- Basketmouth Cichlid
- Bass Goodeid
- Basslets
- Batasio Catfish
- Batasio batasio
- Batasio tigrinus
- Batfish
- Bathyaethiops caudomaculatus
- Batik Loach
- Batik Nerite Snail
- Batrachoididae
- Batrachoidiformes
- Batrachomoeus trispinosus
- Batrochoglanis raninus
- Bay Snook
- Bbs
- Beacon Fish
- Beaded Anemone
- Beadlet Anemone
- Beaked Coralfish
- Bear Paw Clam
- Beard algae
- Bearded Cory
- Beau Gregory
- Beauforti's Loach
- Beaufortia kweichowensis
- Beaufortia leveretti
- Beckettii Crypt
- Bedotia geayi
- Bedotiidae
- Bee Shrimp
- Beginner FAQ-Equipment
- Beginning Fishkeeping
- Beginning Fishkeeping-Adding Fish
- Beginning Fishkeeping-Choosing your first Fish
- Beginning Fishkeeping-Cycling Your Tank
- Beginning Fishkeeping-Fish Stress
- Beginning Fishkeeping-How to Find a Good Aquarium Store
- Beginning Fishkeeping-Introduction
- Beginning Fishkeeping-Long-term Success
- Beginning Fishkeeping-Monitoring your new pets
- Beginning Fishkeeping-Partial Water Changes
- Beginning Fishkeeping-Practical Freshwater Chemistry
- Beginning Fishkeeping-Preparing Your Water
- Beginning Fishkeeping-The FAQ Team
- Beginning Fishkeeping-Which Test Kits are Important
- Belgian Flag Tetra
- Bellicose Fighting Fish
- Bellus Angelfish
- Bellus Lyretail Angelfish
- Belonesox belizanus
- Belonidae
- Beloniformes
- Belonophago tinanti
- Belontia hasselti
- Belontia signata
- Belontiinae
- Beluga
- Beluga Sturgeon
- Beneficial bacteria
- Bengal Danio
- Bengal Eel
- Bengal Loach
- Bennett's Sharpnose Puffer
- Bennett's Toby
- Benny Tetra
- Benthic zone
- Benthochromis tricoti
- Bentosi Tetra
- Benzalkonium chloride
- Berdmore's Loach
- Bermuda Angelfish
- Berney's Catfish
- Berney's Shark Catfish
- Beryciformes
- Beta
- Beta fish
- Betta
- Betta Club (Singapore)
- Betta akarensis
- Betta albimarginata
- Betta anabatoides
- Betta antoni
- Betta apollon
- Betta aurigans
- Betta balunga
- Betta bellica
- Betta brederi
- Betta brownorum
- Betta burdigala
- Betta channoides
- Betta coccina
- Betta foerschi
- Betta ibanorum
- Betta imbellis
- Betta macrostoma
- Betta mahachai
- Betta mahachaiensis
- Betta mandor
- Betta miniopinna
- Betta minniopinna
- Betta persephone
- Betta pugnax
- Betta smaragdina
- Betta sp mahachai
- Betta splenden
- Betta splendens
- Betta splendens - variations
- Betta stiktos
- Betta tussyae
- Betta unimaculata
- Bettas
- Biajaca
- Bicarbonate of soda
- Bichir
- Bichirs
- Bicolor Angel
- Bicolor Angelfish
- Bicolor Banjo Catfish
- Bicolor Blenny
- Bicolor Parrotfish
- Bicolor Rainbowfish
- Bicolored Foxface
- Bicolour Dottyback
- Bicolour Foxface
- Bicolour Pseudochromis
- Big-Eyed Synodontis
- Big-Eyed Xenotilapia
- Big-Mouth Hap
- Big-Toothed Piranha
- Big-spotted Triggerfish
- Big Al's
- Big Al's Online
- Big Eye Cichlid
- Big Floating Heart
- Big Geiseri Gambusia
- Big Scale Tetra
- Big White Spot Pleco
- Bigeye Cichlid
- Bigeye Squeaker
- Bigfin Mudhopper
- Bigmouth Buffalo
- Bignose Unicornfish
- Bigtooth River Stingray
- Bill Tetra
- Bio-Balls
- Bio-film
- Bio-load
- Bio-spira
- BioLoad
- BioSpira
- Biofilm
- Bioload
- Biotin
- Biotodoma cupido
- Biotodoma wavrini
- Biotope
- Biotope Style
- Biozyme
- Bird Wrasse
- Birdsnest Coral
- Biting Catfish
- Bitter Cress
- Black-Back Cory
- Black-Backed Butterflyfish
- Black-Banded Angelfish
- Black-Banded Rainbowfish
- Black-Banded Sunfish
- Black-Barred Razorfish
- Black-Bellied Limia
- Black-Blotched Butterflyfish
- Black-Ear Wrasse
- Black-Fin Cory
- Black-Finned Pacu
- Black-Lined Hatchetfish
- Black-Lipped Panchax
- Black-Spot Surgeonfish
- Black-Spotted Puffer
- Black-lined Panaque
- Black-lipped triggerfish
- Black-lobe Algae Eater
- Black-tailed Piranha
- Black Acara
- Black Adonis Pleco
- Black Amur Bream
- Black Angelfish
- Black Arawana
- Black Arowana
- Black Back Butterfly
- Black Back Margin Dottyback
- Black Banded Bamboo Shark
- Black Banded Cat Shark
- Black Banded Headstander
- Black Banded Leporinus
- Black Banded Pencilfish
- Black Banded Pyrrhulina
- Black Bar Chromis
- Black Bar Puller