Category:Fish Difficulty - Easy
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This is list of aquatic animals that are easy to keep in an cycled aquarium tank. The animals listed here are well able to tolerate some of the basic mistakes of a beginners tank.
They are hardy animals that can withstand a wide range of pH or a small amount of ammonia or nitrite and can adapt to a wide range of GH and KH.
They are undemanding in their food requirements and are therefore cheap and easy to feed.
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Fish Difficulty - Easy"
The following 132 pages are in this category, out of 132 total.
- Carnegiella marthae
- Carnegiella strigata strigata
- Centropyge aurantonotus
- Centropyge bispinosa
- Centropyge vrolikii
- Chaetodontoplus duboulayi
- Checker Barb (Oliotius oligolepis)
- Chlamydogobius eremius
- Chromis acares
- Chromis retrofasciata
- Chromis scotti
- Chromis vanderbilti
- Chrysiptera cyanea
- Chrysiptera hemicyanea
- Chrysiptera parasema
- Coelotilapia joka
- Colisa chuna
- Corydoras aeneus
- Corydoras amandajanea
- Corydoras polystictus
- Corydoras sterbai
- Cypho purpurascens
- Cyprinodon variegatus
- Pangio kuhlii
- Pangio oblonga
- Paracheilinus mccoskeri
- Paracheirodon innesi
- Parupeneus cyclostomus
- Periophthalmus argentilineatus
- Periophthalmus novemradiatus
- Pethia gelius
- Pethia padamya
- Phallichthys amates
- Phallichthys fairweatheri
- Phallichthys quadripunctatus
- Phallichthys tico
- Pimephales promelas
- Poecilia latipinna
- Poecilia reticulata
- Poecilia salvatoris
- Poecilia velifera
- Prionurus punctatus
- Pristiapogon kallopterus
- Pseudanthias bartlettorum
- Pseudochromis sankeyi
- Pseudochromis tapeinosoma
- Pseudotropheus acei
- Pseudotropheus tropheops
- Pseudotropheus zebra
- Pterapogon kauderni
- Puntigrus tetrazona
- Puntius sachsii
- Puntius titteya